2.11.1 Physical disguise

A character can disguise either him/herself or another character physically if he/she spends ten minutes with access to the right make-up and wardrobe and makes a dice roll using his/her Acting (including physical disguise specialism) + CO.

The difficulty depends on the nature of the disguise being attempted, as follows:

Nature of disguise Difficulty
Simple (e.g. a peasant, a merchant, etc.) 3
Basic make-up (e.g. to disguise a scar on face, etc.) 5
Complex make-up (e.g. to disguise physical appearance completely) 8
To appear like another specific person 12

There is a penalty of -1 to -5 on the dice roll if the character lacks the proper make-up or wardrobe, or has to rush the disguise. There is a bonus of +2 on the dice roll if the character spends an hour carefully preparing the disguise.

Successful disguise counts as appropriate dress for the role, and gives a bonus of +2 on the disguised character's dice rolls to pretend to be a different person. However, if the character fails the dice roll, there will be a penalty of -1 on the disguised character's dice rolls to pretend to be a different person, per point by which the dice roll is failed.