2.17.1 Making an object using a craft

When a character attempts to make an object using a craft, he/she should make a dice roll using his/her Crafts (including relevant craft specialisms) + CO. The character gets a modifier for the complexity and difficulty of the object being crafted of between +3 (for a very simple object) to -3 (for a very demanding object).

The dice roll result determines the quality of the object, as follows:

Dice roll result Meaning
3 or lower Abysmal quality - object falls apart before completion or does not work
3 1/2 - 6 Poor quality - the object looks worse, is more likely to break and works less well than a normal item (the referee may give penalties on dice rolls when poor quality equipment is used)
6 1/2 - 10 Competent quality - the object is normal quality
10 1/2 - 15 Good quality - the object looks better, is less likely to break and works better than a normal item (the referee may give bonuses on dice rolls when good quality equipment is used)
15 1/2 or more Excellent quality - the object looks very good, is unlikely to break and works very well (the referee may give bonuses on dice rolls when excellent quality equipment is used)