2.21.4 Argument

A character can influence other people by presenting a logical argument as to why a proposed solution is the right one to adopt, for example, "There are three reasons why you should do this.......", "If you don't do this, the consequences will be.......", etc.

To do this, a character must first analyse the problem, identify a possible solution and construct a logical argument supporting that solution. He/she uses his/her Reasoning skill to do this, and the results of that dice roll provide a modifier for the dice roll to argue his/her case convincingly.

Having constructed an argument, a character can successfully convince another person if he/she makes a dice roll using his/her IQ + Influence (including argument specialism) and gains a better result than the other person's resistance dice roll.

Another person who understands the character's argument can lend support to the arguer; this support will add a modifier of up to +3 to the arguer's dice roll result.

If the arguer is competing against another alternative proposal, he/she can get a modifier of up to +3 to his/her dice roll if he/she understands the opponent's argument and can identify the weak points in it.