2.44.5 Improvising on the spot

A character can attempt to improvise around music that someone is playing. When he/she attempts this, he/she should make a dice roll using his/her Music (including relevant improvisation specialisms) + PE. There is also a modifier for the complexity and difficulty of the piece of music the other person is playing of between +3 (for a very simple piece) to -3 (for a very demanding piece).

The dice roll result determines whether the character's improvisation enhances or detracts from the original performance, as follows:

Dice roll result Meaning
3 or lower Abysmal contribution - ruins the performance (gives a -4 modifier to the other person's performance dice roll singing or playing)
3 1/2 - 6 Poor contribution - detracts from the performance (gives a -2 modifier to the other person's dice roll singing or playing)
6 1/2 - 10 Competent contribution - acceptable but somewhat superfluous additions (gives a +0 modifier to other person's dice roll singing or playing)
10 1/2 - 15 Good contribution - enhances the performance (gives a +1 modifier to other person's dice roll singing or playing)
15 1/2 or more Excellent contribution - enhances the performance greatly (gives a +2 modifier to other person's dice roll singing or playing)