2.50.2 Making chemicals

A character can manufacture chemicals if he/she has access to a laboratory facility. A laboratory facility costs £3 to build, or can be rented normally for around 6d per day.

Each chemical has a defined:

To make the chemical, a character must have the right ingredients available in the laboratory for the required manufacture time, and then make a dice roll using his/her Science (including making chemicals specialism) + IQ at the relevant difficulty. Success creates 1 kilogram of the chemical; failure creates nothing useful. Disastrous failure may cause a mishap (e.g. the laboratory explodes).

A character can try to reduce the time taken to make the chemical. For each day that the manufacture time is reduced (to a minimum of 1 day), the difficulty is increased by +1.

Examples of chemicals that a character could make include:

Chemical Ingredient cost Manufacture time Manufacture difficulty Notes
Nerve poison (slow-acting) 5s 3 days 4 Can be smeared on weapons to cause poison damage (1 kg is enough for 30 applications)
Nerve poison (normal) 10s 6 days 6
Nerve poison (fast-acting) 20s 9 days 8
Blood agent 3s 2 days 2 Can be smeared on weapons to increase the chance of infection (1 kg is enough for 30 applications)
Slow poison 8s 4 days 7 Progressively poisons someone over time. 1 kg is enough to poison one person over a period of 2-3 months.
Antidote to a specific poison 10s 5 days 6 Automatically neutralises the specified poison. 1 kg is enough for 10 uses.
Greek fire grenade 20s 4 days 8 When used as a thrown weapon, acts like naphalm, sticking to the target and doing basic damage of 13 (fire damage) per combat turn (5 seconds) to the target. The flames last for 6 turns (30 seconds).
Methane grenade 10s 2 days 5 When set off (e.g. having been thrown), explodes causing basic damage of 10 (fire damage) to everyone in a 2 metre radius.
Transmutation fluid 200s 20 days 15 When used, changes up to 1 kg of any substance into any other substance (e.g. changing lead into gold).
Strong acid 400s 30 days 12 Can be used to dissolve through stone or metal. If used as a thrown weapon, does basic damage of 15 to target.