2.53.1 Skiing

A character can ski down or across snowy terrain much faster than walking across the same terrain.

There are three types of skiing:

Skiing downhill

When skiing downhill, every minute a character must make a dice roll using his/her Skiing/Skating (including skiing downhill specialism) + CO to stay on his/her skis. A character who falls over may well be injured, depending on how fast he/she was travelling.

The difficulty of the dice roll depends on the type of slope being negotiated, as follows:

Type of slope Difficulty Modifier to speed
Gentle slope, clear path 2 -2
Average slope, clear path 5 +0
Difficult slope, clear path 8 +2
Extreme slope, clear path 12 +4
If path is obstructed (e.g. by boulders), requiring character to turn a lot +2 -1
If path is heavily obstructed (e.g. through a piece of forest) +5 -2

The character's speed is determined by the result of a second dice roll using his/her Skiing/Skating (including skiing downhill specialism) + CO. There is a modifier to this dice roll based on the type of slope (see above)

The speed achieved is as follows:

Downhill skiing distance travelled per hour Dice roll result x 3.6 kilometres
Downhill skiing distance travelled per minute Dice roll result x 60 metres
Downhill skiing distance travelled per combat turn (5 seconds) Dice roll result x 5 metres

Skiing cross-country

When a character travels cross-country by skis, the character's speed is determined by the result of a dice roll using his/her Skiing/Skating (including skiing cross-country specialism) + CO.

The speed achieved is as follows:

Cross-country skiing distance travelled per hour Dice roll result x 300 metres
Cross-country skiing distance travelled per minute Dice roll result x 5 metres
Cross-country skiing distance travelled per combat turn (5 seconds) Dice roll result x 0.5 metres

Ski jumps

When a character is skiing downhill and comes across a drop or crevasse, he/she can choose to attempt to jump over it. The character must make a dice roll using his/her Skiing/Skating (including ski jumps specialism) + CO to land safely. The dice roll result also determines how far the character jumps, depending on the size of the obstacle. A character who fails a ski jump may well be injured by the fall.

Obstacle type Difficulty to land safely Distance travelled jumping
Small drop (2 metres) 4 Dice roll result x 0.6 metres
Average drop (5 metres) 7 Dice roll result x 1 metre
Large drop (20 metres) 10 Dice roll result x 2 metres
Cliff (50+ metres) 14 Dice roll result x 4 metres