2.49.2 Riding/driving speed

When a mounted character is travelling, the speed with which he/she travels is determined by dice rolls. Depending on the circumstance, the referee may request individual dice roll results every 5 seconds (e.g. in combat or a short race), every minute (e.g. in a long race) or every hour (if travelling long distances).

The mounted character makes a dice roll using his/her Riding (including relevant specialisms) + CO, and how far he/she moves can be worked out from the dice roll result.

For a character mounted on horseback, the distance will be as follows:

Speed Per Combat turn (5 seconds) Per Minute Per Hour
Slow (i.e. walk) 5m + 0.5m x dice roll result 60m + 6m x dice roll result 3,600m + 360m x dice roll result
Average (i.e. trot) 15m + 1m x dice roll result 180m + 12m x dice roll result 10,800m + 720m x dice roll result
Fast (i.e. canter) 30m + 1.5m x dice roll result 360m + 18m x dice roll result 21,600m + 1,080m x dice roll result
Breakneck (i.e. gallop) 50m + 2m x dice roll result 600m + 24m x dice roll result 36,000m + 1,440m x dice roll result

For other mounts or vehicles, the referee should decide what distance the dice roll result equates to accordingly.