2.58.6 Diving

Reducing falling damage into water

A character who jumps or dives into water from a height may suffer falling damage.

A character who is able to dive into water will take less damage from the fall than if he/she had simply jumped into the water. He/she can add to his/her damage resistance the lower of:

If a character has a negative result from the reducing damage dice roll, then he/she has belly-flopped and actually takes more damage than if he/she had simply jumped into the water. His/her damage resistance is reduced by the number of points by which the dice roll result was negative.

Diving distance

The distance out that a diver can dive depends on the height from which he/she is diving, and the results of a dice roll using his/her CO + Swimming (including Diving/Diving effectiveness specialisms). The basic distance is based on the height from which he/she is diving, but the character can increase this by 10% per point of the dice roll result. The distance is doubled if the character takes a run up before diving.

Height from which diving Basic distance out (standing) Basic distance out (with run-up) Time in the air (in seconds)
No height 0.25 metres 0.5 metres 0.25 seconds
3 metres 1 metre 2 metres 1 second
10 metres 1.5 metres 3 metres 1.5 seconds
30 metres 2.5 metres 5 metres 2.5 seconds

For example, Roger is an expert swimmer with a Swimming score of 5 and a CO of +1/2, and he is unencumbered (+2 to dice rolls using CO). He does not specialise in diving. He takes a run up and dives into the water from a 10 metre high cliff. His basic value is 5+ 1/2+ 2= 7 1/2, which gives him a certain result of 7. Assuming he takes no risks, he can reduce the damage from the fall by 7 points (provided the water is at least 3.5 metres deep at the point he hits), and he can reach up to 5.25 metres out from the cliff (3 metres x 175%).

Diving style

A character can make a dive into an acrobatic manoeuvre, involving somersaults and twists if he/she makes a dice roll using his/her CO + Swimming (including Diving/Diving style specialisms). The result of the dice roll shows how good the dice was to watch, as follows:

Result of dice roll Meaning
0-4 Basic
5-8 Graceful
9-13 Acrobatic, exciting
14 or more Amazing

For example, Roger is an expert swimmer with a Swimming score of 5 and a CO of +1/2, and he is unencumbered (+2 to dice rolls involving CO). He does not specialise in diving. His basic value is 5+ 1/2+ 2= 7 1/2, which gives him a certain result of 7. Assuming he takes no risks, his dives will be graceful.