1.5.2 Generating a character's characteristic scores

A character's characteristic scores (CS) are generated by describing the character. There are sixteen description categories (see below). The player should pick the most appropriate description (adjective) in each category. This adjective will apply modifiers to some or all of the six characteristic scores. Each of the character's CS is obtained by then adding up all the modifiers to that particular characteristic.

This approach means that every character can be easily described and role-played, because the player has thought about the character's physique and personality during play. It also helps ensure that there is some correlation between a character's description and his/her capabilities.

Proforma for calculating a character's CS


Description of character CS modifiers
Race . . . . . . .
Gender . . . . . . .
Age . . . . . . .
Height . . . . . . .
Build . . . . . . .
Looks . . . . . . .
Fitness . . . . . . .
Agility . . . . . . .
Dexterity . . . . . . .
Perception . . . . . . .
Worldliness . . . . . . .
Temperament . . . . . . .
Behaviour . . . . . . .
Attitude to risk/danger . . . . . . .
Motivation . . . . . . .
Intelligence . . . . . . .
Total . . . . . .

See also: